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Today in Colony CT-3-505 is C.Y. 11:07:27


Over the years we have seen a lot of hype on whose live role-playing game is the best out there. Some games gauge their success on the number of chapters they have or how fast their chapters are given away versus the quality in each chapter.

Every game is different and we encourage our members to try other systems to see what is best for them. We make no claims that we are the best out there - we allow our members to boast those claims for us.

Our goal is to entertain you in a live setting in ways you have never dreamt possible - to leave nothing to your imagination. To do this we solicit your post-event input in the form of feedback letters. These letters tell us what you liked and disliked about the event and what you would have done differently to make the event better. We then use this information to see what we are doing right and where we need to make adjustments to improve your next experience with us. It is your thoughts and ideas that have helped to shape this game world in a manner that is precisely what you want to see.

Below you will find a list of excerpts from our member feedback letters sorted by year. These comments are the participants own words (and may contain grammar and spelling errors) describing their daring adventures and what they thought of their Future Imperfect experience. Read on to see what our members are saying about us.
2010 |  2009 |  2008
'I had an absolutely /wonderful/ time at FI this weekend. Thank you all. You guys have put together a really incredible atmosphere; everything just felt so damn real.  '
'I don't know how experienced you guys are at running LARP's, but this was done right. I participate in a medieval fantasy LARP in North Jersey that's been running for upwards of 15 years (I've been attending for 5), and with that as a baseline, I can only say that your doing things right. To put it bluntly, Future Imperfect was awesome. And for that reason I hate it. Because you are five hours away from me, and I have to come back. This event was my first, a few friends of mine had told me about it and it sounded pretty cool, since I had been introduced to the entire concept of steampunk and firefly only about 9 months ago, it was way too intriguing to pass up. I almost didn't make it to the event, I couldn't pre-register in time, and finally decided at 2am on friday that I was coming up. I couldn't be happier with my decision. So back to your main topic, how you can improve. Continue what you are doing, I can tell it will only get better.  '
'Bugs, bugs and more bugs. A nightmare with feelers was Friday night (very exciting). After the first wave we ran to the barracks to grab spar ammo, only to get pinched between the commissary doors and the bug armada, we retreated to the Medcenter only to end up fighting off bugs at the door.  '
'Tensions are running high at the moment with no end in sight to the bug problem, on top of the other constant attacks from the two factions we're stuck between. Tampered attacks, num attacks, wildlife on the outskirts...  '
'BUGS!!  '
'To summarize the weekend, incredible as always. I started the weekend wondering what I was doing, and ended the weekend counting down the days to the next event in November. I can’t wait!!!  '
'Right from the get go it was action and more action, and I got sucked right into things. Hitting us hard with a bug fight right off the bat was such a way to get the blood pumping, and immerse us into the FI world.  '
'This event was awesome. I still need some time to process all of what happened! Good time all around, thanks to the Cast and Staff!  '
'The Bug attack was like no other. It was pandemonium! We quickly evacuated the Commisary to the safety of the fire light. the bugs keeped coming in waves.  '
'Boars! We were looking for trouble and we found it in the woods.  '
'This made for one incredible event for me, and it just completely stinks that I have to wait until September for the next one!. I can never say thank you enough for all that you, the cast, does. The amount of effort that you all put in to preparing for an event – the plots, props, costumes, and so on – is something that I understand and appreciate. You are all great!  '
'Another amazing event, I have to say! The biggest highlights for me all had to do with roleplay. Everyone was just on; it’s the best way I can put it. The laughter was real. The tears were real. The tensions were real. OK, I take that back. I don’t think amazing is the right word… I just can’t think of another one to put in its place.  '
'Later in the night all hell broke loose. A group of huge bugs came out of a cave killing pretty much everyone who had been in the area.  '
'The UV mod was amazing, seriously. Considering how long the fight lasted, it was astonishingly clean. I didn't have a single issue the entire time.  '
'Another wonderful event, thank you!  '
'I'm still emotionally drained from this incredibly intense weekend... Kudos in a huge way to the cast n' crew who continue to deliver one amazing weekend after another I cannot wait until may, and look forward to seeing how our most recent decisions have affected the world on Catalyst..  '
'You know one of the things I love about this LARP is that it’s so unpredictable.  '
'There was so much to be said about cast and immersion that I don't even know when, or where, to mention it.  '
'Being my first event ever I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. But in the end I had a amazing time.  '
'So, amazing game and also sadly my last for the foreseeable future. I was able to end Dink on such a poetic note. He was a tragic character from the beginning and as such could not of had a better or more meaningful ending than what happened.  '
'They just keep getting better and better!  '
'It was a total immersion experience, no complaints here!  '
'In short, I had an amazing event! I honestly don’t think it could have gone better. It was busy, fun, exciting…. And I can’t wait for the next one!  '
'I was a little worried coming into this event how FI would do 'Scifi fusion Asian'. As it turns out, I didn't have to worry, because it was done very very well. The whole bazaar had the ambiance of a mix between a Japanese summer festival and a Chinese banquet hall that worked very well.  '
'Compared to other one-day events, I thought this one had a perfect balance of roleplay and combat, and the commerce was, to me, a new and interesting facet of the game. I've never had much of a head for economics, but with help I began my foray into it, and so far I like it a lot.  '
'You guys put on an absolutely amazing event. The Asian fusion culture was awesome. You managed to handle it very well, reasonably respectfully, and you didn't fall into any (at least, I didn't see it) of the common Western Asianophile traps when emulating Asian cultures. There was So Much Stuff going on. I was everywhere. I didn't stop for 5 hours. The event went by so fast.  '
2010 |  2009 |  2008

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