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Today in Colony CT-3-505 is C.Y. 11:07:26


Over the years we have seen a lot of hype on whose live role-playing game is the best out there. Some games gauge their success on the number of chapters they have or how fast their chapters are given away versus the quality in each chapter.

Every game is different and we encourage our members to try other systems to see what is best for them. We make no claims that we are the best out there - we allow our members to boast those claims for us.

Our goal is to entertain you in a live setting in ways you have never dreamt possible - to leave nothing to your imagination. To do this we solicit your post-event input in the form of feedback letters. These letters tell us what you liked and disliked about the event and what you would have done differently to make the event better. We then use this information to see what we are doing right and where we need to make adjustments to improve your next experience with us. It is your thoughts and ideas that have helped to shape this game world in a manner that is precisely what you want to see.

Below you will find a list of excerpts from our member feedback letters sorted by year. These comments are the participants own words (and may contain grammar and spelling errors) describing their daring adventures and what they thought of their Future Imperfect experience. Read on to see what our members are saying about us.
2010 |  2009 |  2008
'All in all, a great, fun event! I wish I could remember all the interactions I had... but this event was full of such great roleplaying experiences, it would take forever to tell them all. Awesome event, and awesome job by both players, and cast alike!  '
'My first FI event.... 1 word comes to mind.... WOW!.. I had a great time and can't wait for the next event...  '
'Great event. The role playing was great and the many characters living in the complex were great to hang out with.  '
'The rest of the cast were very helpful and did their best to make me feel at home. The event was very well organized.  '
'Ok seriously where do I begin? First, it was an amazing game. I love FI for the human stories it tells. The dark side of humanity and how bad things happen to not so good people.  '
'It seems my experiences with this game get better and better. I met new characters and got myself into some more stuff that I had no idea was going on.  '
'The surgery mod was amazing... I've never had so much fun being abused. :P  '
'Had an absolute blast. The whole scenario with my mouse, though "trivial" was amazing...  '
'Despite many years of LARPing I have never been pulled into a world as thoroughly and fully as I have with FI. It is because of all the amazing work of the Cast both out there interacting and setting things up behind the scenes. You all are a huge part of what makes this game worth playing  '
'This was by far the most amazing LARP event I have ever been to and I am waiting rather impatiently for the next event.  '
'The real highlight of my event was the freeborn jamboree on Saturday. It was honestly the most comfortable I've been at a LARP, with great RP and friendly people.  '
'I must bow humbly before the Plot Gods for their ulterior motives. True, this whole plot arc has been depressing, and at times, toeing the line of not being fun anymore. But I stuck with it, and being able to have my character finally express such emotion, such passion, such...clarity of purpose...it's refreshing. Liberating. Empowering. Even if this wasn't the intention, that is what I'm getting from it. And it's helping me to grow, as an actor and as a person.  '
'I've gotta say, this game keeps finding new ways to top itself, thanks to the sadis...er...creativity of the plot team. I'm glad that this particular plot arc reached its conclusion, though its effects will last the rest of my characters' life. This has given me some good ideas about what to do with this character...none of which I'd had in mind a year and a half ago, when I first played him.  '
'This was by far the most amazing LARP event I have ever been to and I am waiting rather impatiently for the next event.  '
2010 |  2009 |  2008

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